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Solar plane smashes world record

Solar plane smashes world record

The team trying to circle the globe in a solar-powered plane says it's set a new world record for the longest non-stop solo flight. Paul Chapman reports.

Solar Impulse completes record flight across Pacific

A solar powered plane has successfully completed a record-breaking five-day nonstop solo flight across the Pacific Ocean.
The Solar Impulse is the first aircraft to fly day and night without any fuel from Japan to Hawaii.
Its Swiss pilot Andre Borschberg is attempting to circumnavigate the globe with an aircraft powered only by the sun’s energy.
And to top it all, he could only sleep for 20 minute bursts in the unheated and unpressurized cockpit.
His co-pilot and fellow Swiss Betrand Picard is expected to take over the next leg from Honolulu to Phoenix, Arizona.


Posted by hnm on Saturday, July 04, 2015. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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